

Building Software That Lasts

Huricane Electric IPv6 tunnel broker

IPv6 is quite old technology but its adoptions is not as widespread as IPv4. Blessed with virtually unlimited number of addresses, it still lacks support on major internet service providers. But one might use a tunnel to Hurricane Electric to get a routable prefix to his home network. Last days I’ve been studying OpenBSD 7.5 and use it as a home lab and a home router. So let’s start! Configure tunnel 🔗You provide your public IP to HE and you get the something like this:

PostgreSQL and its quirks

From the beginning of my career I’ve always been working with Oracle Database, from 8i till 12c, on online transaction processing (OLTP). The database is safe, reliable and - Ask Tom! - it’s great. And as saying goes, “you’ve never got in trouble by buying Oracle”. OLTP loads usually require low latency and high transaction rate. Under different load profiles it was quite simple to come up with a solution of any performance problem.


Management skills: 🔗 Agile mindset, Scrum, Scrum of Scrums, LeSS, Experienced Product Owner and Scrum Master, Couching, Mentoring, Servant Leadership, Onboarding, People Management, People Development, Project Management - PRINCE2© Foundation Certificate. Business Areas: 🔗 Telecommunications - 3GPP standards, SIP, VoIP, Billing, Online Charging, Security - Authentication, Encryption, Public Key Infrastructure, Security Audits, BPM - Pega Certified Senior Software Architect (7.4). AI - Deep Learning course of Andrew Ng Languages and APIs: 🔗 C#, ASP.